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President of Venezuela proposes to create a Celac scientific center

Caracas, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, proposed today the creation of a Latin American and Caribbean Center for Research Applied to Science and Technology for the 33 countries members of Celac.

When leaving a high-level meeting of the Ministers of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) inaugurated this Monday in Caracas, the president reflected on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in his country and in the region.

He stated there are many topics to work on in the two-day meeting and with seven topics to discuss, but he insisted that the proposal, the organizational architecture and the agenda of priority topics come out of the meeting so that sooner rather than later, with everyone’s support, that center can be founded.

The Head of State pointed out that in that entity all advances can be articulated with an agenda of priorities to be established.

He stressed that science, technology and applied innovation must be at the forefront of construction projects in our continent, searching for solutions to the enormous problems arisen as a result of climate change.

The president recalled the emergence of the “beautiful birth” of Celac on December 3, 2011 in Caracas and how it now takes new air, nerve and strength with an agenda.

He meant that one of the most important elements is that the union of our public policies and actions has the capacity to have an impact on the social, economic and public life of our peoples.

Maduro considered it important to create a Latin American and Caribbean identity in the 21st century that positions the spirit of the peoples of the continent and sees the region as a great opportunity to build “an immense bloc of political, social, cultural, economic and comprehensive power.” .

The Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves, advocated involving all populations and societies,uniting and integrating our Latin American and Caribbean civilizations.

He metaphorically admitted the differences in the diversity of our countries and peoples, and called for the unification of our civilizations, “we must guarantee that the integration is organic and not mechanistic.”

He reminded the heroes Simón Bolívar and José Martí, and other contemporary leaders from other fields because “without solidarity we are going nowhere.”

The ministers and high authorities of Celac will discuss topics such as sustainable food/food sustainability at work tables; health/communicable and non-communicable diseases; spatial capacities, mitigation and adaptation of the climate crisis, among others.
