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Lebanese army and UN forces conduct joint naval exercise

Beirut, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) The Lebanese Armed Forces and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) on Monday carried out a joint naval exercise to ensure the security of the country's territorial waters.

On its Twitter account, the international contingent shared snapshots of the maneuver, in which the Lebanese Navy and Air Force demonstrated their boarding and inspection skills on a UNIFIL Maritime Task vessel.

In another publication, the UN Command stated that only the Lebanese Navy could intercept, board, and inspect vessels entering the national coastline.

It also emphasized the Maritime Task Force’s commitment to supporting the Lebanese side in defending its sovereignty and independence from any violation of its coastline.

Since 1978, UNIFIL has conducted more than 450 daily activities throughout its operations in southern Lebanon, from the Litani River to the Blue Line, established by the United Nations in 2000 to confirm Israel’s withdrawal.
