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Mexico asks to abide results of poll for presidential candidate

Mexico City, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) The ruling Morena Party called on the six aspirants as Mexico's presidential candidate to respect and abide by the results of the popular poll from which a winner will emerge.

This time the candidate for the presidency of the Republic for the coalition Juntos Haremos Historia, which includes Morena, and the Labor and Green parties, will not be chosen in a party congress, but in a popular poll in which the whole country participates.

After numerous internal meetings, in which discrepancies on the matter were settled, since there was a part that defended the traditional way of electing the candidate by majority vote of only the delegated militants, the thesis of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of consulting the people won.

The leadership of the National Renewal Movement (Morena) confirmed in a meeting this weekend, although they did not give details of the process still under elaboration, that the person to be elected, in addition, will also relieve López Obrador in the coordination of the IV Transformation, the political program of the Government.

The statement, distributed in social media, stated that the aspirants must follow the principles of not lying, not stealing and not betraying the people, respect the rest of the aspirants, abide by the result of the polls, and support the winner of the process.

It is also established that there will be a maximum of 6 candidates, four from Morena and one from each allied organization, which means that no one else will be admitted for the coalition and Yeidckol Polevnsky, who presented her candidacy very late, will be left out.

According to Morena, the tours through the federal states must be austere, respectful, promoting unity within the movement and adhering to its principles.

Regarding the polls, it specified there will be five: one in charge of the National Polls Commission and four of pollsters proposed by the candidates, although it did not explain if there will be differences in objectives and purposes among them, or if it is to counterbalance and look for averages.
