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Experts in El Salvador warns on climate threats to food

San Salvador, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) Opinions of agricultural experts in El Salvador and international reports raise alarms about climate threats to food.

Risk specialists question how the State faces the threat posed by the El Niño for the country and what are the prevention measures.

The coordinator of sustainability processes for Ahuachapán (western part of the country) and specialist in ecological risk management of the Unidad Ecológica Salvadoreña (UNES), Miguel Urbina, pointed out that there will be a lack of food and this will increase prices, due to drought and the effects of the El Niño climate phenomenon.

These assessments coincide with data from a multidimensional study of El Salvador, prepared by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), according to which climate change will generate losses of up to 24% in basic grains in the coming years.

The study ranked the country among the 20 most affected by extreme weather events, with a long history of tropical storms and droughts, as well as earthquakes, that devastate crop plantations and leave human losses.

The spokespersons of the agricultural and rural sector have stated that if there is no response from the government, the economic situation of the families will not improve, and beyond that, it will worsen, because corn and beans will increase in its prices.
