Monday, September 16, 2024
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US forces kill a civilian in Syria

Damascus, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) The US troops illegally deployed in Syria killed a local and wounded others during an operation in the northeast of the country.

Local activists reported that the US troops flew in by helicopter to the town of Salham, in the province of Hasakeh, northeastern Syria, and opened fire on the houses under the pretext of looking for terrorists.

According to the sources, the victims were civilians trying to flee their homes, but were shot by the US personnel and members of the self-styled Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a Washington-backed Kurdish separatist militia.

Last May, US military officials acknowledged that the victim of a US air raid in Syria was a civilian and not a terrorist leader as the Pentagon announced.

Under the pretext of fighting terrorism, Washington has at least a dozen illegal bases in Syria, mostly in the oil and gas fields in the northeastern Al-Jazzira region, mainly in Hasakeh, and maintains one in the area of Tanef on the border with Iraq so as to prevent any land communication between the two countries.

The Government of Damascus has repeatedly denounced this illegal presence, describing it as an occupation, and assured that the US actions in Syria encourage terrorist activity and aim to destabilize the country and plunder its wealth.
