Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Honduras opens embassy in China

Beijing, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) Honduras opened its embassy in China in a ceremony in Beijing in which the willingness to work together to strengthen bilateral ties, expand mutually beneficial cooperation and strengthen coordination on multilateral platforms was ratified.

Honduras inaugurated its embassy in Beijing in the framework of President Xiomara Castro’s official visit to China, the first ever of a Honduran dignitary to this country, after China did so last week in Tegucigalpa.

The ceremony was attended by the President of Honduras and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Honduras, Eduardo Enrique Reina, and of China, Qin Gang.

During the inauguration speech, Reina called the President’s decision to believe in the One China principle and establish diplomatic ties on March 26th as courageous, and expressed confidence that the appointment of prominent scientist Salvador Moncada as the first ambassador of Honduras in China will optimally allow for a greater deepening of ties.

He also praised China’s socioeconomic and technological achievements, and stated that Tegucigalpa hopes to work with Beijing to improve the quality of life of its people, advance product access to this important market, and cooperate in the context of the project of the Strip and the Silk Road.

The president of Honduras began her visit on Thursday in Shanghai, showing interest in strengthening commercial ties.

The president stressed the importance of this visit to expand “new political, technical, commercial and cultural horizons” of Honduras. The Government of Honduras, for its part, mentioned the signing of “strategic and thematic cooperation agreements” with China.
