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Foreign Ministry of Palestine denounces Israeli impunity and crimes

Ramallah, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of Palestine denounced the international impunity enjoyed by Israel in its persistent objective of consolidating its occupation and imposing law.

It further condemned the continued violations committed by the Israeli Army and armed settler militias in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Palestinian institution issued a statement stressing that the ongoing attacks by the IDF have the strategic purpose of accelerating the official annexation of the occupied West Bank without an official announcement.

The Ministry considered that the government of Tel Aviv continues to formalize the annexation of the said city, to which end it resorts to all legislative, structural and field measures to achieve this, in full view of the international community and without fear of punishment, criticism or accountability.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry’s made its statement in response to ongoing Israeli military raids in the occupied West Bank that led to the arrest of seven citizens last night and the looting of homes.

Israeli soldiers have killed 112 Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, throughout May, in addition to causing injuries to 409 citizens, including 41 children, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported.
