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The Havana Reporter No.5 / 8 June, 2023

Publicaciones Prensa Latina

The June edition of The Havana Reporter features debates conducted at important meetings of the Communist Party and the Parliament on Cuba’s economic issues and ways to recovery it, in addition to the holding of the Meteoro 2023 Popular Drill, aimed at strengthening national capacities and response in the face of natural phenomenon and disasters.

The start of pre-clinical studies on the dengue vaccine candidate; involvement of the biotechnological industry in agricultural production with genetically-modified corn and soy hybrids; new consular measures, to enter into effect as of July 1st and directed to benefiting family links, are also included in this issue.

Other topics include information on the strengthening of economic relations between Cuba and Russia; the recent visit a delegation of the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture paid to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia to make progress in food security, and cultural and sport issues.

THR also recalls the foundation, on June 16, 1959, of the Prensa Latina news agency, which was predicted to last a few days but 64 years later, still defends peoples’ fights and their right to independence, sovereignty and self-determination.