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Silvio Rodriguez receives Honoris Causa Award

Havana, Jun 2 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel on Friday headed the ceremony to grant the Doctor Honoris Causa Award in Social Sciences and Humanities from the University of Havana to singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez.

According to the Presidency of the Republic’s Twitter, Miriam Nicado, the institution’s rector, gave Rodriguez the award, which is the most important recognition conferred by the University of Havana.

At a ceremony attended by several Cuban artists and intellectuals, Nicado recalled the work of the founder of Cuba’s New Song Movement, and Professor Manuel Calviño praised the artist.

Calviño stressed that Rodriguez has been a sleepless inquirer of Cuban society, and has fought to make it better. “The Revolution belongs to those who feel it and embrace it, and he unequivocally embraced it,” he said.

Likewise, Silvio Rodriguez received a folder with posters created by design students, which allude to his emblematic songs.

His investiture is considered the last action of the professional program of the International Scientific Convention of the University of Havana, Saber UH, which was inaugurated at the Yara movie theater on Monday.
