Entitled “Regional Meeting of Journalists: New Narratives for a Rural Transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean,” the event draws attention to the results of the international cooperation project financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
The meeting takes place at the Sub-regional Headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Mexico; it includes workshops and keynote speeches on issues such as how rural areas have been transformed in economic, social, and cultural terms.
It, along with profound changes in consumption and mobility patterns, underscores the need to reposition rural areas in public policy agendas in favor of growth and development.
This project aims to promote regional meetings among ministries of finance, development, and territorial planning, as well as with central banks and statistical offices.
All so as to achieve reducing rural poverty and inequality, highlighting the fiscal dimension and its relevance for transforming public policies for rural development.