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Communist parties of Cuba and China expand cooperation

Beijing, Apr 25 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of China and Cuba on Tuesday signed two agreements, extendable for five years each and with immediate effect, to expand cooperation between their party and youth organizations.

One of the texts is a memorandum of understanding penned by the vice rector of the Central School of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Gong Weibin, and Rosario Penton, rector of the Ñico Lopez Higher School of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC).

The objectives are to contribute to improving the cadres’ and leader’s training and capabilities, as well as promoting and improving theoretical research in view of the new challenges and tasks undertaken by each country.

Another goal is to strengthen friendship, dialogue, cooperation, communication, reciprocal learning, and political trust to exchange experiences in the teaching field and, especially, in the elaboration of curricula for their better use in practice.

Gong and Penton agreed that the signing of the memorandum marks a moment to boost interactions between the two academies, and stressed its importance for the consolidation of PCC and CPC ties, but also at the government level.

At the same time, He Junke, first secretary of the Communist Youth League of China; and Aylin Alvarez, first secretary of the the Young Communist League (UJC) of Cuba, signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen ties through activities of mutual interest and joint work on various issues.

The document contemplates the development of projects to promote the political-ideological education of the new generations, scientific research and contacts in areas such as culture and sports. Among other aspects, it indicates that the parties will promote the exchange and work relations between Casa Editora Abril and the Juventud Rebelde newspaper, both from Cuba, with the Young Press Association of China, to articulate the media strategies for children and young people.

Both He and Alvarez predicted positive results from the implementation of the agreement, as it should contribute to bring young people closer to the reality of each nation.

The two accords were inked after the fifth Theoretical Seminar between the Communist Parties of China and Cuba, which was held in Beijing on Tuesday.
