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Cuba and China to strengthen bilateral relations for peace

Havana, Apr 19 (Prensa Latina) Struggling for peace unites Cuban and Chinese peoples, as agreed by representatives of both nations in a meeting held at the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

ICAP´s President Fernando González welcomed the Secretary-General of the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament (APCPD) An Yue Jun who, alongside an official Chinese delegation are presently paying a visit to Cuba.

During the meeting, both sides showed respect for the two organizations´ work done for a world that moves away from conflicts.

González pointed out peace issue is one of ICAP´s number-one priority and unveiled several actions taken since his organization took over functions of the Cuban Movement for Peace and Sovereignty of the Peoples.

An Yue Jun, on the other hand, stated he was very happy to visit Cuba and expressed his deep admiration for ICAP´s work, particularly its close links with international movements and trade unions worldwide.

The APCPD delegation will develop a wide-range program of activities, which includes a conference on peace and disarmament at the headquarters of the Cuban Association of United Nations, as well as tours over Havana’s Chinatown and meetings with friendship societies between the two countries.
