The Cuban exhibition consists of four stands where, in addition to the exclusive Habano cigars, Labiofam Asia, its distributors HT Pharma and Duc Minh Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (ALMEDIC JSC), and the company DINVAI Construcciones S.A. were represented.
Among the products on display were the recombinant DNA Heberbiovac-HB vaccine against hepatitis B, the monoclonal antibody CIMAher to treat head and neck cancer, and the Infantix neonatal screening system to detect hearing and vision disorders.
Deputy Industry and Trade Minister and chairman of the Organizing Committee Do Thang Hai opened Vietnam Expo 2023, a fair that has taken place since 1991, only disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The program of the Trade Fair, which will run until April 8, also includes several workshops and seminars aimed at increasing efficiency in promoting investment and trade in domestic and foreign markets.