Saturday, September 07, 2024
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New world caravan to demand end of US blockade against Cuba

Washington, Mar 26 (Prensa Latina) Once again, hundreds of people in cities around the United States and the world are joining in a big caravan on Sunday to demand that President Joe Biden lift the blockade against Cuba.

Upon announcing this new edition of the Day for Solidarity and Denunciation on Saturday, activist Carlos Lazo, organizer of the Bridges of Love movement, said that Washington’s unilateral blockade is “suffocating and killing the Cuban family.”

In statements to Prensa Latina, Lazo recalled that the initiative led by his group takes place on the last Sunday of every month. This time, they have already confirmed actions in Miami, Seattle, New York, Vancouver, Quebec, and Ottawa, in Canada, and Panama.

During Sunday’s event, participants will also make a world action on Twitter addressed to Biden with a similar message, the Seatle-based Cuban professor pointed out.

Bridges of Love is one of the groups that are part of the growing wave of rejection that demands, inside and outside US territory, the end of the economic, commercial, and financial blockade that the US has imposed on Cuba for more than six decades.
