Monday, September 23, 2024
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Bolivia proposes 2024 International Year of Water at the UN

United Nations, Mar 23 (Prensa Latina) Bolivian President Luis Arce proposed today at the United Nations (UN) that 2024 be declared the International Year of Water for Life, warning that in addition to environmental, this crisis is also social and economic.

With this objective, he assured during his speech before the plenary of the Second UN Conference on Water that States must promote the active participation of communities and social organizations until it leads to a “great mobilization” of actions at all levels to make facing the planetary crisis of the vital liquid.

“If we want a viable future for present and future generations, we need to redouble actions and commitments to change the system, realizing that another world is possible, if we make it possible,” he said.

The dignitary insisted on finding a balance —using economic resources, scientific and ancestral knowledge of the States of the world and the United Nations— to preserve water and the future of life, while guaranteeing its use and enjoyment by the whole of humanity and, in particular, vulnerable sectors that today do not have this right.

He added that based on the wisdom of the peoples of the Plurinational State and their social organizations expressed in various consultation spaces prior to the Conference, important ideas were defined that he summarized in 10 proposals.

Among them, the concept of “reaffirming the right to drinking water and sanitation as an essential human right for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights” stands out.

Arce reiterated that the Bolivian text suggests recognizing in the next Earth Assembly, in the year 2024, that water is the center of life, and also establishing that rivers, lakes, basins and Mother Earth are subjects of law .

Bolivia also proposes the creation of a permanent intergovernmental water mechanism in the United Nations, which promotes the handling, management and conservation of the vital liquid, as well as the erradication of poverty, and the appointment of a UN special envoy for this problematic.

Among the ideas summarized by Arce in a decalogue, it also stands out that of recognizing the authority of community management of water and basic sanitation of local conglomerates and indigenous peoples.

Likewise, he highlights establishing the cancellation of debts of countries euphemistically called “developing”, whose financial resources have been allocated to the production and access to water, water adaptation and climate resilience.

The initiative urges developed States and international and multilateral organizations to provide greater financial resources to manage, conserve and cushion the impacts of the water crisis, through international assistance.
