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China denounces failures in US-promoted democracy

Beijing, Mar 20 (Prensa Latina) China on Monday noted how the failures of the democracy model promoted by the United States in 2022 further divided its society, increased the gap between rich and poor, and was the cause of the decline of government institutions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs delved into a four-chapter document on the implications, expansion, and dangers of a system that causes big inequalities, violence, and injustice inside and outside the world’s leading power.

The material referred to phenomena such as the chronic decline of US democracy, the intensification of political polarization due to fights between the country’s parties and the growing power of those who have money.

It deplored that the “freedom of expression” defended by Washington only focuses on US standards and restricts any statements considered contrary to the capital or interests of the Government.

The text published by the Chinese Foreign Ministry used survey data to illustrate the disillusionment in US democracy among citizens and the problems in the judicial area, due to the influence of public opinion and the two main parties.

It accused the White House of causing chaos in the world by imposing its system, since it used it as a spearhead in its foreign agenda, as a pretext to exacerbate divisions in the world, create confrontations among blocs and fuel tensions on issues such as Taiwan and Ukraine.

China also criticized the continuity of unilateral sanctions against other States, the threat against international relations and the narrative of ‘democracy versus authoritarianism’ just to maintain hegemony and advance their geostrategic plans.

“Democracy is a common value, there is no single model (…) applicable to all countries in the world,” the Foreign Ministry concluded, adding that each country must adopt the most appropriate system for its situation and citizens without being told what to do.
