Thursday, September 19, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Cuba exposed in India its business possibilities

New Delhi, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment, Rodrigo Malmierca, highlighted today at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Ficci) the business opportunities on the island.

In an interview with Prensa Latina, Malmierca said that his delegation participated this Wednesday in important meetings, one of them with the general director of the financial institution Exim Bank, Vikramaditya Ugra.

We analyzed -he said- the progress of the projects that India is financing in Cuba, among these a credit line to buy rice for 100 million dollars, and also other projects that are in the process of approval, notably three in the field of renewable energies, in the areas of biomass, solar and wind energy.

The Cuban trade delegation also held a meeting with the Secretary for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of External Affairs of India, Dammu Ravi, with whom they made a summary of the issues discussed during this working visit to the Asian country.

The parties discussed bilateral issues and Cuba’s pro tempore presidency of the Group of the 77 + China, and how India can cooperate so that during the Cuban leadership a group of projects can be promoted for the benefit of the member countries of the block. Also, the presence of highly qualified labor force, the government policy of prioritizing research and technological innovation, the existence of airports and ports for large ships and almost the entire national territory electrified.

The Cuban officials highlighted the potential for commercial business and foreign investment with the island in the biopharmaceutical, agricultural and power generation spheres, especially the use and development of renewable energy sources.
