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Cuban trade delegation holds meetings in India

New Delhi, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment (MINCEX), Rodrigo Malmierca, will visit Karnataka Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and will attend a business forum.

The group includes: Deputy Minister of MINCEX, Deborah Rivas, the director of Marketing of the Agriculture portfolio; Yisel Gonzalez,director of Generation of Renewable Energy Sources of the Electric Union of Cuba; Ovel Concepcion, director of the Energoimport company;Jacqueline Pedrouzo, and the commercial and business director of the BioCubaFarma state biotechnology organization, David Curbelo.

The visitors arrived in India on Thursday and held a meeting in Bengaluru, capital of the Indian state of Karnataka and center of the high-tech industry; they also plan to tour the International Manyata Tech Park software technology park on Saturday.

The Cuban Minister and his delegation landed in Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, after leaving Doha, Qatar, where they participated in the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries.

Malmierca spoke at the meeting on behalf of the 77 Group + China, where he defended the right of LDCs to receive international assistance from the most developed nations.

He also reassured Cuba’s commitment to the world’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged states to help overcome obstacles to their sustainable development.
