In both the halls of the Conference Center where the meeting takes place, and the visits to tobacco plantations and factories, attendees from more than 70 countries want to know about this cigar brand due to its high quality and tradition.
Cohiba is undoubtedly the most prominent brand of Premium cigars among Cuba’s luxury products, emblematic and remarkable for its quality, as it celebrated its 55th anniversary in 2022.
The Cohiba brand was founded in 1966 when a cigar roller offered this product to the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro (1926-2016). Then, it remained only for gifts from the Council of State and later expanded due to the quality and claim.
Cohiba was first released commercially for sale to the public in 1982, having immediate success. Two new series were later presented with the qualities required to offer a milder cigar.
It is not produced in large quantities as it is a select cigar.
The brand is marketed, amongst others, in Spain, France, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, Canada, Brazil, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East.