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President shares cultural priorities with Cuban intellectuals (+Photo)

Havana, Feb 22 (Prensa Latina) The main challenges facing national culture today were addressed in a meeting of the leadership of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (Uneac), with the President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel.

In the exchange, which took place yesterday at the Palace of the Revolution, in this capital, participated the highest representatives of UNEAC in all the country’s territories, as well as the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Culture, headed by Alpídio Alonso.

The president of Uneac, Luis Morlote, highlighted the representativeness of each province of the Caribbean island in the analysis of compliance with the agreements of its 9th Congress, indicated Radio Rebelde.

In various interventions, the intellectuals considered the organization’s recent growth process as the most important and strategic in recent decades.

One of its vice-presidents, the actress and teacher Corina Mestre, considered the number of young people incorporated to be very encouraging, ‘who not only want to be there, but also want to participate’.

Among the issues addressed was the concern for the ravages of cultural colonization. In this regard, the journalist Pedro de la Hoz, vice president of the organization at the national level, called for cultural substance to be filled in the terms creative resistance, for which he demanded coherence and systematicity on the part of the media, which is entrusted with entertaining too, but with culture.

At the conclusion of the exchange, the Cuban president highlighted the merit of the Uneac balance assemblies in all the country’s territories, a crossroads between the previous congress and the one to come.

The head of state affirmed that if someone simplified or ignored the commitment that the artistic vanguard has with the Revolution, he would think that in a difficult moment like this, the meetings held would be about demands and they were the opposite.

“This vanguard knows how to understand the historical moment that we are living, knows how to understand the causes of the problems,” he pointed out. ‘Be sure that at this time there is no prejudice towards culture from the leadership of the Party, the Government, or cultural institutions,’ stressed Díaz-Canel and argued about the maturity that has been reached in the discussion spaces.

Likewise, he recalled the role of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, as a visionary of those defining relationships between artists and intellectuals and the Revolution.

“And everything that you feel as dissatisfaction, report it, everything that you think can be changed, propose how to change it, they will always have ears,” the Cuban president emphasized.

The dignitary considered that another decisive contribution of Uneac has to be in the cultural decolonization program. “You have to assume it deeply, with intelligence, with coherence, very active and it has to be part of the debate every day.”
