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Russia condemns Israeli strikes on Damascus, after quakes

Moscow, Feb 19 (Prensa Latina) Russia has strongly condemned the Israeli strikes against Syria and considers them a flagrant violation of international law, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.

“We strongly condemn the forceful action undertaken by Israel, which is a flagrant violation of international law. We urge Israel to stop armed provocations against Syria and to refrain from steps that could have dangerous consequences for the entire region,” a statement warns.

According to Syrian authorities, Israeli strikes on Damascus on Saturday killed five people, wounded 15 and destroyed several houses. The Russian diplomatic body stressed that Israel’s attacks are “totally unacceptable,” especially after the earthquake that struck Syria.

“We believe that the continuation of such a ruthless practice is totally unacceptable, especially at a time when many countries around the world, including Russia, are actively helping Syria to overcome the devastating earthquake,” the ministry added.

Israel systematically attacks Syrian territory, despite numerous complaints by Damascus to the UN Security Council that these actions infringe on its sovereignty and threaten regional stability. However, the international community turns a deaf ear.

In turn, Tel Aviv justifies these attacks with the presence of Iranian and Lebanese militias on Syrian territory, allies of Damascus, which it considers a danger to the national security of the Jewish country.
