“This morning, HISPLACEN held a worthwhile meeting with representatives of the Germany´s CubaSí Solidarity Group where collaboration proposals were debated on and a Hydrosart Kassette collagens donation was received,” HISPLACEN posted on Twitter.
HISPLACEN was founded on April 25, 1986, and emerged as a result of the international spread of the new Cuban method for treating vitiligo by using a medicine obtained from human placenta, discovered by Dr. Carlos Manuel Miyares Cao.
The procedure favored Cuba´s medical development and has a great impact on both health and quality of life of people suffering from dermatological diseases including vitiligo, psoriasis and alopecia.
Among products manufactured by HISPLACEN are Pilotrophin, Thromboplastin (blood coagulation), Placenta Shampoo, Melagenin Plus and Forte (for vitiligo treatment), Enteral Food (intensive therapy), Pulmonary Surfactant (neonatology), Biofortifier for nails and hair, among others.