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Tension in Israel between far-right government and opponents rising

Tel Aviv, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) The tension between the ultra-right Israeli government and the opposition leaders continues to grow after the calls for massive demonstrations by the latter and the threats issued from the former.

This week several politicians such as former Prime Minister Yair Lapid and former Defense Minister Benny Gantz raised their voices against the Benjamin Netanyahu administration, especially for promoting a controversial judicial reform.

The project includes the so-called “annulment clause”, which would allow the Knesset (Parliament) to re-legislate laws annulled by the Supreme Court of Justice. Several conservative measures and others adopted against the Palestinians add to this, which Lapid considered counterproductive because they could provoke a new Intifada (“uprising”, in Arabic).

Lapid denounced the reforms as “a threat to Israeli democracy” and promised a fight in the streets in what he called “a war for our country,” while Gantz warned that Israel is headed to a civil war.

Given the situation, Gantz called for demonstrations “to make Israel tremble.” In response, the Minister of National Security, the far-right Itamar Ben Gvir, ordered the police to detain protesters who may block streets or highways.

Tzvika Fogel, a parliamentarian from the ruling Likud party, called for the arrest, under the charges of treason, of Lapid, Gantz, Moshe Ya´lon, former Army Chief of Staff and also Yair Golan, ex-military officer .

“These four must be arrested. They are the most dangerous people out there right now (because) they are talking about civil war,” Fogel said. Netanyahu, however, publicly rejected such a request, although he warned that such statements “are a call to sedition.”
