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Cuban Vice President Valdes Mesa meets with Brazilian party leader

Brasilia, Dec 30 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa met on Friday with the leader of the Brazilian Socialist Party, Carlos Siqueira, as part of his agenda in this South American nation.

On his Twitter account, the deputy head of State noted that during the meeting, he thanked Siqueira for his solidarity with Cuba and his support for the demand for an end of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against the Caribbean island.

On Thursday, Valdés Mesa met with the executive secretary of the Northeast Consortium, Carlos Gabas, with whom he discussed issues such as food production, energy, tourism and culture.

The Cuban vice president arrived in Brazil on December 28 to participate next Sunday in the inauguration ceremony of Ppresident-elect Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva.

During his stay in Brazil, the senior Cuban official will hold meetings with local authorities and representatives of political parties, social movements, business people and solidarity organizations, among others.
