Sunday, February 16, 2025
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Uruguayan party demands resignations due to scandals

Montevideo, Dec 14 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Frente Amplio party (FA), Fernando Pereira, called for the resignation of senior officials due to notorious scandals.

He said that the implications in the case of former presidential custodian Alejandro Astesiano, imprisoned on various charges, and drug trafficker Sebastián Marcet, deserve the resignation of Foreign Minister Francisco Bustillo and Interior Minister Luis Alberto Heber.

Pereira´s opinion is that President Luis Lacalle Pou “should ask them to resign immediately for the sake of democratic health.”

Astesiano was arrested on September 25th for falsifying documents and selling passports, but the matter was complicated by money laundering, influence peddling and political spying against senators Charles Carrera and Mario Bergara, from the Frente Amplio.

Sebastian Marcet had been arrested in the United Arab Emirates in 2021 for using a false Paraguayan passport. The renowned drug trafficker then received a Uruguayan passport, which, according to the FA involves officials from the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of the Interior.

Following the story, Senator Carrera told the press that President Lacalle “would have to make a great self-criticism, and he has not done it.”

He described the Marset case as a scandal, for which the president “is not assuming his responsibility.”
