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Uruguay’s FA promotes investigation into Astesiano case in Uruguay

Montevideo, Nov 22 (Prensa Latina) Uruguay's Broad Front (Frente Amplio-FA) has set up a commission to follow and promote the fiscal investigation into former presidential security chief Alejandro Astesiano, who remains in preventive prison on Tuesday.

FA president, Fernando Pereira said in a press briefing that the matter deserves setting up a working group and did not rule out future parliamentary actions.

Pereira announced that the commission consists of Senator Charles Carrera, former director of the Secretariat of the Ministry of the Interior; Senator Liliam Kechichian, coordinator of the FA bench; Mariano Tucci, coordinator of lawmakers; and FA vice-president Verónica Piñeiro.

The FA president said that the case, which began with the sale of passports, is becoming more complicated with new revelations about “bribes” and “serious acts of corruption” that emerged at the executive power headquarters.

He referred to information disclosed by the press about alleged commissions charged for State purchases.
