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Teachers from Guerrero march towards the Zócalo in Mexico City

Mexico City, Nov 22 (Prensa Latina) A group of teachers who departed for Mexico City eight days ago will march towards the Zócalo to ask that President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to receive them.

Spokesmen for the State Coordinator of Education Workers of Guerrero said that the main demands are the reinstatement of the tables with President Lopez Obrador, labor stability for workers, the total repeal of the educational reform and its secondary laws. They added that they will remain in a sit-in for an indefinite period in the center of the city.

The group arrived in Mexico City on Monday, and handed out flyers to motorists at their entrance via the Tlalpan highway booth.

Other demands are the cancellation of individual accounts, since the reforms of the Institute of Security and Social Service in 2007 only enrich the bankers and leave the workers in misery and without the right to a decent retirement.

They have also asked for the cancellation of the current forms for the payment of pensions and return to the minimum wages that by right corresponds to them.

The said group considers that it is time to go out and fight for the rights that neoliberal governments has taken from them and demands that the current authorities ratify its commitment to the working class.

The teachers of Guerrero are so far the only ones in the whole country that carry out this type of demonstrations, and even though they have their origins in that state, they seek to extend it to the federal government, according to other union sections.
