After four years of an administration plagued by criticism and marked by the notable social outburst in the last 70 years, the Historic Pact (a coalition consisting of left-wing parties, alternative forces, ancestral peoples, Afro-descendants, students, artists, women, and LGTBIQ+ people), with a program in favor of the most dispossessed, achieved an unprecedented victory.
The first progressive and left-wing Government in Colombia, whose goal is to achieve changes in the country, is already showing concrete steps towards that objective.
In its first 100 days, to be completed this Tuesday, the Historic Pact revived the possibilities of a dialogue with the National Liberation Army to end the internal conflict.
As another essential step for change, the House of Representatives approved the tax reform presented by Petro’s Government, with which it seeks to finance social justice programs.
Petro’s Government expects to put under discussion a set of reforms such as labor and health, both of great weight in the change it seeks for Colombia and which requires structural transformations.