President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s proposal, halted in Congress, aims to eliminate the current INE and the Electoral Court and create new institutions with more transparent mechanisms of action, reduction of officials,salaries and budgets and greater democracy in the election to charges.
To counteract it, leaders opposed to the government, commissioned the survey last September, however it backfired on them since more than half of the citizens interviewed expressed themselves in favor of the electoral reform; 78 agreed that councilors and magistrates be elected through popular vote, 87 for reducing deputies and senators, while 72 thought that political parties receive a lot of money.
The figures were not published by the INE, and according to sources from the institute itself they kept them to themselves as they were favorable to the initiative for constitutional changes sent in April, this year, to Congress by the Executive, and since then the debate is stalled.
Among the main proposals of the reform, the survey highlights that 78 percent are in favor of the ministries and magistracies being elected by the citizens, and 52 percent in favor of the INE being replaced by a National Institute of Elections and Consultations (INEC).
No datas from the consultation favored the INE, since the positive perception towards the institute also decreased to 56 percent in relation to 2021, while the negative perception increased to 22. 43 percent of respondents believe that the institute spends too much, and 55 percent are in favor of reducing its budget, a proposal made in the electoral reform.