Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Activists ask U.S. officials to end measures on Cuba

Washington, Oct 31 (Prensa Latina) Activists from separate organizations on Monday asked U.S. officials to exclude Cuba from the arbitrary list of states sponsoring terrorism and also called for President Joe Biden to lift coercive measures on Cuba.

As reported on social media by Carlos Lazo, coordinator of the Bridges of Love project, during the meeting participants explained how the White House´s unilateral provisions stifle and kill the Cuban people.

In particular, participants strongly condemned the effect of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba for over 60 years, considered as major obstacle to Cuba´s economic progress as well as the more than 240 additional measures implemented by the Donald Trump administration and still unchanged by Biden´s.

Activists thanked the State Department “for its willingness to listen to the critical standpoint of the current government policy against Cuba”.

Likewise, they praised the opportunity to argue views “regarding issues that we consider essential for the well-being of our families and the Cuban people”.
