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Ethiopia reiterates willingness to resolve conflict in Tigray

Etiopia frente-Tigray
Addis Ababa, Oct 21 (Prensa Latina) Ethiopia declared that it will continue the path to resolve peacefully the conflict with the Tigray People's Liberation Front, which includes participating in the talks scheduled for next week.

“We reconfirm that we are making the necessary steps and efforts to find a peaceful solution to the differences with the Front as soon as possible (…) And within that will, we are committed to participating in the peace dialogue led by the African Union, which should begin in South Africa on October 24th,” declared the government adviser for national security matters, Redwan Hussien, during a public appearance.

Hussien stated that the federal authorities want to avoid further bloodshed, human rights violations and insecurity in Tigray, as well as Afar and Amhara, the neighboring regions where the conflict has spread.

However, as he said, “we are very dismayed that some are hell-bent on preempting peace talks and spreading false accusations against the defensive measures taken by the government.”

For almost two years, the national defense forces and the Tigray Front have been immersed in a war in the north of the country, with a very large death toll, many people displacement and much material destruction.

The federal authorities are making constant efforts to stop the conflict, including the acceptance of the call for dialogue made by the African Union, but the Front’s criminality spoils them, as per repeated official statements.
