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Russia explains points of martial law

Moscow, Oct 19 (Prensa Latina) Russian authorities today disclosed the martial law decree approved by President Vladimir Putin, which introduces various levels of response in relation to the special military operation in southwestern Ukraine.

With the decree, the maximum level, which implies martial law, is implemented in the four new subjects of the Federation, and a medium level of response is provided for the regions bordering Ukraine, the Rossiya 24 channel highlighted on Wednesday.

The basic level of preparation is also introduced for other subjects of the Russian Federation, although for the regions of the Central Federal District and the Southern Federal District a higher level of preparation is provided.

The decree notes that the specific list of measures required in a particular territory is determined independently by the head of the region, “taking into account the current situation and emerging risks.”

To implement the measures listed in the document, each region will create an operational headquarters, which will be personally directed by the governor.

As for martial law specifically, it will be for the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk and the territories of Zaporozhie and Kherson, where local authorities receive the powers provided for by the Constitution.

Among the latter are the evacuation of hospitals, schools, social facilities, companies and industries, as well as the relocation of people in safe areas.

A special regime for entering and leaving the territory of the regions is also introduced, and it is equally possible to restrict freedom of movement, search cars, prohibit the sale of weapons, leave the territory of the Russian Federation, and introduce a curfew, among other measures.

For its part, the measure decreed by the president includes the territories of Crimea, Krasnodar, and the regions of Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk, Rostov and Sevastopol in the medium-level response category.

They can strengthen the protection of public order, as well as that of all critical facilities such as transportation, communications, energy, public services, military centers and the most important government agencies.

For the regions of the Central and Southern Federal Districts, the high alert level is introduced, except in the eight territories where the medium level of response operates.

Measures to strengthen the protection of public order and critical facilities are also possible here, and if necessary, they can restrict the movement of cars and inspect them.

And finally, the presidential decree instructs to apply the basic level of preparation throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, not affected by other special regimes.

It implies strengthening the protection of critical facilities, as well as monitoring their work.
