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Relations between Russia and the US approach a dangerous line

Moscow, Oct 6 (Prensa Latina) Relations between Russia and the US are in a deplorable state and are approaching a dangerous line, declared Moscow's ambassador to Washington, Anatoli Antonov.

What is happening in Ukraine is just a trigger to expose all the underlying problems that exist in today’s world, Antonov said in remarks broadcasted on Thursday by the Russian television.

The diplomat pointed out that these are tectonic changes on the international scene, and in this context Washington is trying to defend the world order that it created in its own interest, but Russia is not satisfied with the rules of the game that the US try to impose on it.

According to Antonov, the two countries have not yet reached the “maximum point of tension that existed 60 years ago” (during the times of the Soviet Union).

He also assured that maintaining the exchange with Washington on arms control is important for Moscow.

“For us, the importance of the interaction between the two major nuclear powers is self-evident, and building trust and security is fundamental in the national interest of the peoples of Russia, the United States and the world,” Antonov stressed.

The diplomat believes that Moscow and Washington will have to return to dialogue and interaction in the current situation of global security challenges.
