Friday, September 06, 2024
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77.3 percent of Nicaraguans support President Ortega’s management

Managua, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) 77.3% of Nicaraguans approves President Daniel Ortega's management, as revealed by the pollster M&R Consultores on Tuesday.

According to September´s public opinion, 72.5% of Nicaraguans consider that the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) government led by Daniel Ortega is leading the nation in the right track.

Regarding Nicaragua´s progress compared to that at the beginning of this century, 78.4% of Nicaraguans believe the country is progressing, while 14.2% think the opposite.

According to the pollster, the survey had a universe of 4,390,813 people, and highlighted that 79% of the population expressed the FSLN Executive gives them some hope.

In this regard, the political predisposition towards FSLN is 67% against 19% of the opposition.
