Monday, September 23, 2024
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Dengue transmission spread decreases in Cuba

Havana, Sep 21 (Prensa Latina) Dengue transmission spread in Cuba has decreased in the last five weeks, although health authorities remain on alert, local press reported on Wednesday.

In this regard, the Cuban Public Health Ministry (MINSAP) warned the risk of getting sick is still too high, since the Aedes aegypti mosquito infection rates remain high.

The provinces reporting highest incidence rate are Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Guantánamo, Las Tunas, Matanzas and Mayabeque, as well as the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud (Isle of Youth).

MINSAP – quoted by Granma newspaper – also warned that the largest number of mosquito breeding grounds is being detected in water storage tanks, with 71.5%.

Recently, DSc. Eric Martínez, at the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine (IPK), explained dengue fever is riskier for children and teens than adults. Martínez insisted that major epidemiological view to be followed for its treatment is to consider as a possible case of dengue every child, coming from or residing in an area with dengue transmission, who shows an acute febrile condition.

“Every child, when there is transmission and has fever, has dengue fever until proven otherwise, this must be taken into consideration,” said Martinez.
