Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Nicaraguan Network raised funds to donate medical supplies to Cuba

Managua, Aug 20 (Prensa Latina) The Nicaraguan Augusto C. Sandino Anti-Imperialist Network raised more than six thousand dollars that were donated for the purchase of medical supplies as part of the All for Cuba popular solidarity day.

The donation, which cannot be transferred directly to Cuba as a result of the blockade, will be sent via third countries where the products will be purchased.

The coordinator of the Network, Arturo Aguirre, explained to Prensa Latina that said supplies will be sent in support of Cuban families affected by the large fire in the city of Matanzas.

Aguirre added that the amount was collected in 12 days, for which all the organizations that the Network has mobilized.

“It is not a large amount from an economic standpoint, but it is still significant,” Aguirre commented, and added that the friends of Cuba move and know about the situation, and that has great value.

He referred to how several people from different parts of Nicaragua mobilize and approach the Network (composed of more than 16 solidarity organizations) and ask, “What else can we do for Cuba?” He also stressed that this donation will be the first of three scheduled for the months of October and December, as part of the “Everything for Cuba” event.

For his part, the Ambassador of Cuba in Nicaragua, Jorge Mayo, thanked the Network for the gesture of solidarity and highlighted the feeling of love and friendship of Nicaraguans towards Cuba in all places and at all levels, and stressed that this gesture It is not surprising for Cuba, because “you have accustomed us to always being aware of the events that happen to us, and always remain in the front line of solidarity and brotherhood.”
