Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Cubans repudiate acts of vandalism in Havana

Havana, Aug 13 (Prensa Latina) Cubans on Saturday repudiated the attack on a shop in Havana, at a time when the country is facing the tragedy caused by a fierce fire in western Matanzas province.

In statements to Prensa Latina, Alina Cardenas, a pensioner from the health sector, noted that these events are a sign of impotence in the light of the unity and strength shown by the people and authorities in the confrontation against the large-scale fire in western Matanzas province.

For his part, a young design student, Juan Alberto Lopez, charged that social networks are constantly inciting hatred among Cubans, and acts of destabilization are promoted, in the context of a brutal media campaign against Cuba.

Meanwhile, Orestes Hidalgo called from Twitter for exemplary punishment for those who commit this kind of action, in especially difficult and sad times for the country.

These criminals must pay for the damage caused, crime must be stopped, Berta Lezcano wrote on Twitter.

On Friday, national television reported on the attack with Molotov cocktails launched by several individuals on a store in Havana’s Diez de Octubre municipality, as well as the instigation of acts of vandalism in Cuba by terrorists based abroad.

According to the report, the hackneyed formula of summoning acts of vandalism from hate platforms is used and when these are committed, despite their low real impact, they are given a high impact in the media and on social networks.

The perpetrators of these events were captured by law enforcement authorities in less than an hour, while they were preparing other similar actions.
