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Russia imposes sanctions on 25 US citizens

Rusia, sanciones, ciudadanos, EEUU
Moscow, Jun 28 (Prensa Latina) The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the imposition of sanctions against 25 US citizens, including members of President Joe Biden's family, in response to the imposition of sanctions against Russia.

25 US citizens were included in the list of people limited to travel to Russia in response to punitive measures set by the United States against Russian politicians and national personalities, says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Senators and experts in charge of developing recommendations for sanctions against Russia and Washington’s Russophobic course, as well as relatives of Biden, including his daughter Ashley, are on the list, as per a statement from the Ministry. In addition, the list includes the well-known political scientist and professor at Stanford University Francis Fukuyama.

Over 10,000 punitive measures have been applied by Western countries against Russia since early in 2022, that is, both before and after the beginning of the military operation in Ukraine on February 24.

The United States, the European Union, Japan and Canada, among others, have launched an unprecedented economic war against Russia that includes the freezing of assets of the Central Bank for 300 billion dollars and the suspension of Russian banks from the SWIFT system.

In addition, Europe and the United States prohibited the arrival of ships from Russia to their ports, introduced an embargo on the purchase of hydrocarbons and now plan a suspension of the purchase of gold produced from now on in Russian deposits.
