We remember in these days of celebration the teachings by Uncle Ho when he said that “the revolutionary journalism is a battle front of the Revolution; journalists are also soldiers whose weapons are pens and papers,” UPEC President Ricardo Ronquillo wrote to his Vietnamese counterpart Le Quoc Minh.
He said that the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, believed in the press as a force of enormous importance, truly decisive, and affirmed that the coinciding thoughts of these two great leaders guide us to the present day, when journalism is used as a weapon of manipulation and deception.
In his letter, Ronquillo warned that the credibility of the revolutionary press is at stake in the face of the siege of the transnational media corporations that seek to silence us.
The UPEC president stressed that today’s commemoration marks 97 fruitful years of construction and development of the revolutionary press under the leadership of the Communist Party and the guidance by Ho Chi Minh, and expressed the pride of “sharing with you the trench of a revolutionary press at the service of our respective peoples.”