At the Avellaneda Hall of Teatro Nacional de Cuba, the company, directed by renowned dancer Carlos Acosta, will stage an interesting and complex repertoire that shows the performers’ technical and interpretation skills.
The program will consist of the shows “Paysaje, soudain, la nuit,” by Swedish choreographer Pontus Lidberg and music by Leo Brouwer and Stefan Levin; and the choreography “La muerte de dos cisnes” (The death of two swans).
In addition to the emblematic duet based on famous dancer Mikhail Fokin and music composed by Camille Saint-Saëns, the solo show “Huella” (Footprint) by Hector Rodriguez and the duet “Nosotros y Satori” (We and Satori), by Beatriz Garcia and Raul Reinoso, with music by Pepe Gavilondo, will be staged.
Founded in 2015, Acosta Danza brings together dancers from a diverse background who enrich company’s performances and allow it to develop an own aesthetic as of the traditional and contemporary trends.