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Western used up anti-Russian measure arsenal, MP says

Rusia, Occidente, sanciones
Moscow, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) The Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin on Saturday said the United States and European Union (EU) have used up all measures to halt Russia's development.

“By taking new measures, Western politicians are bound to decide on a bad or too bad scenario for their countries´ economies and citizens,” Mr. Volodin telegrammed by referring to EU´s sixth anti-Russian measure package.

Mr. Volodin warned that, some experts stated Russia’s economic damage due to blockade on its oil exports, among agreed sanctions, might amount to $22 billion per year. However, the steep energy prices (caused by sanctions and reorientation of markets for Russian oil sale to Asia) could fully offset such costs, “and perhaps our economy will even benefit.”

The Chairman of the State Duma pointed out that the stiff energy prices have forced EU to spend over €250 billion per year, not including extra costs due to new oil suppliers.

“Washington is currently doing its best to put the main burden of sanctions enforcement on European countries. It deliberately weakens their own economies to make them even more dependent on the United States,” Mr. Volodin stressed.
