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British CSC prioritizes struggle against US blockade

Reino Unido, Cuba, solidaridad, bloqueo
London, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) The Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC, in Spanish) in the United Kingdom (UK) on Saturday agreed to prioritize its fight for lifting the unilateral blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba for over 60 years.

The Joe Biden administration´s aggression policies imposed by Donald Trump are still kept unchanged, and the blockade extends its extraterritorial nature against the right of other countries to trade with Cuba, according to a report passed by CSC members in its annual meeting.

During the meeting, which was attended by the Cuban ambassador to UK Bárbara Montalvo and Elizabeth Ribalta, official of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP, in Spanish), the CSC members pledged to build the greatest possible support for the Cuban people.

US blockade accounts for major obstacle to Cuba’s economic development, as well as greatest threat to its people, the CSC members said.

With over 3,000 members, the CSC stated that as part of this campaign they will support the Viva la Educación project, an initiative by the UK National Union of Teachers that fosters exchanges with Cuban teachers and assistances for schools in Cuba.

We will get our heads down with the Cuban people, Gawain Little, CSC´s international committee chairman, stated, while heaping a praise on Cuba´s educational breakthroughs despite the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by Washington.

In this regard, CSC´s Chairman Rob Miller stressed his organization will continue working to strengthen its relations with UK unions and deputies members of the Multiparty Group on Cuba in Parliament.

Disseminating positive messages about Cuba that counteract the growing hostility by the US government as well as misinformation campaigns orchestrated by extreme right-wing anti-Cuban groups are another areas the Cuban friends in UK will be focusing on.
