Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Cuba extends customs flexibilization of imports by passengers

Cuba, prórroga, flexibilización, importaciones
Havana, May 14 (Prensa Latina) Cuba has once again extended the non-commercial import of foodstuffs, personal and household products and medicines by passengers as accompanying luggage and free of customs duties.

According to a press release from the General Customs of the Republic (AGR, in Spanish) published this Saturday, the measure will be extended temporarily until December 31 of this year, with no limits on value and quantities.

AGR emphasized that in order to enjoy such benefit it is a requirement that such products be differentiated, in the accompanying baggage, from other types of items.

The Ministry of Finance and Prices also extended the measure of not placing tariffs on such imports, that benefit, too, national enterprises, as well as non-state businesses, the report adds.

Authorities explained that there are still shortages in the supply of food and other basic products due to the hardening of the US economic, commercial and financial blockade, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the world economic crisis.
