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Irish MP sends condolences to Cuba after hotel explosion

Cuba, construcción, viviendas, familias, afectas, explosión, hotel Sratoga
Dublin, May 13 (Prensa Latina) Irish MP Thomas Pringle has sent his condolences to the families of the victims of the accidental explosion at the Saratoga Hotel in Havana last week, Cuban diplomatic sources reported on Friday.

On Thursday, Pringle, who chairs Parliamentary Group of Friendship with Cuba, visited the Cuban Embassy in the United Kingdom, where he was received by Ambassador Bernando Guanche.

During the meeting, the independent legislator ratified the interest by Irish and Cuban lawmakers in continuing strengthening their respective parliamentary friendship groups.

The Cuban ambassador thanked the visitor for the solidarity shown by Irish parliamentarians in statements against the unilateral blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba and to demand an end to Washington’s hostile policy.

On May 6, an explosion due to a liquefied gas leak destroyed much of the façade of the Saratoga Hotel in Havana and damaged other adjacent buildings, resulting in 46 dead and nearly 100 injured.
