Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Medical report on children injured after hotel explosion in Cuba

Cuba, accidente, Hotel SAratoga, niños, parte.médico
Havana, May 8 (Prensa Latina) Five of the 15 children who suffered injuries in the explosion at the Saratoga Hotel in Havana on Friday are being treated at the Juan Manuel Marquez Pediatric Hospital, Dr. Leonor Verdecia reported on Sunday.

Verdecia, who is a deputy director of Medical Assistance at the institution, told Prensa Latina that of 15 children admitted after to the accident, 10 have been discharged.

Three children remain in a critical condition, one is seriously ill and another is less seriously ill, she said.

Dr. Daniel Rodriguez, head of the surgical service, explained that among the patients, there are students from a school adjacent to the Saratoga Hotel and others who were passing by the place at the time of the explosion, due to a liquefied gas leak.
