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PM Shtayyeh urges UK to recognize Palestine

Ramallah, Apr 7 (Prensa Latina) Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh has reportedly urged the United Kingdom to recognize Palestine and support the two-state solution to solve the conflict with Israel.

During a meeting with a delegation from the British Parliament on Wednesday, the senior official called on London to pressure Tel Aviv to allow that Arab residents in East Jerusalem vote in the Palestinian elections, Wafa news agency noted.

Shtayyeh also called for implementing the international regulations to Israel to hold it accountable for its violations against the Palestinian people.

The Prime Minister listed the neighboring nation’s crimes, among which he cited Israel’s colonization of Palestinian lands and daily incursions by the security forces.

Assassinations and arrests, as well as Palestinians’ expulsion from home and demolitions were also added to that list, he denounced.
