Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Argentinean unions support bill to pay debt to IMF

Buenos Aires, Apr 7 (Prensa Latina) Trade unions in Argentina expressed their support for a bill promoted by Frente de Todos (FdT) to settle the debt contracted by former President Mauricio Macri with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The initiative promoted by the FdT bench in the Senate proposes to recover foreign exchange lost due to capital flight and tax evasion through the creation of a National Fund for the Cancellation of the commitments assumed by the former president, valued at 45 billion of dollars.

In addition, the parliamentarians proposed another bill that modifies Law 21,526 of Financial Entities aimed at updating the exceptions in terms of banking, stock market and fiscal secrecy.

Leaders of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) expressed their approval of these actions and assured they will make the necessary efforts to obtain the greatest possible popular support.

This was also stated by the two Worker Union of Argentina, whose members agreed to hold joint activities with the CGT for this purpose.

“If we do not have economic independence, we do not have sovereignty and we cannot take measures to achieve social peace. This initiative is aimed at ensuring that those who dedicated themselves to the financial party pay. We are talking about 190 people,” in the words of the head of the FdT caucus, Jose Mayans, during a meeting with the trade unionists.

According to a statement from the bloc in the National Congress, those who benefited from IMF resources, encouraged the flight of foreign currency and did not declare it, committed an act that was deeply damaging to the country.
