One of the requirements for this period is the strict equity in the time of speech and presence on television of the aspirants to the Elysee Palace, which will be controlled by the Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (ARCOM).
The official campaign for the first round of the elections will end on April 9, and the electoral propaganda will be forbidden as of April 8 midnight.
With the beginning of this stage today, the broadcasting of the candidates’ videos in the public media, among them France and Radio France television stations, will also begin, a free possibility for the politicians in competition and their parties or groups.
This opportunity will allow that the candidates and the organizations not usually present in media have equal time to disseminate their positions before an electorate of about 49 million French people, who will be convened again to the runoff on April 24. The polls reflect these days President Emmanuel Macron’s favoritism to advance to the second round, with 28 percent of vote intentions, and far-right leader Marine Le Pen, with 19-20 percent.
Further away, but with ballot options is candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon, leader of La France Insoumise, with 14-15 percent, according to the polls.