Monday, February 10, 2025
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Cubans in China debate Family Code bill

Beijing, Mar 25 (Prensa Latina) Members of the Cuban state mission in China, students and workers on Friday analyzed the draft of the new Family Code, as part of a process to gather the people's opinions.

The electoral commission of the Cuban Embassy gave way to the exchange of views, comments and contributions to the text, which will be soon submitted to a popular referendum.

During the debates, several suggestions, proposals for addition or elimination of contents, and some changes in certain articles were made.

Marriage, the care of children and senior citizens, parental relations and solidarity pregnancy were among the issues under discussion.

Cuban Ambassador to China Carlos Miguel Pereira said that the document illustrates the high importance that the socialist State grants to the family institution as the fundamental cell of society and its role in the inter-generational transmission of traditions and values.

The Family Code bill was approved by the Cuban National People’s Power Assembly in December 2021 and after discussion with all Cubans, it will be submitted to a popular referendum for its final approval.
