Saturday, February 01, 2025
name of Prensa Latina
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Argentina against the use of force in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Buenos Aires, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine government today reiterated its rejection of the use of armed force in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and stressed the need for full adherence to all the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

At her usual press conference, the presidential spokeswoman, Gabriela Cerrutti, read a communiqué from the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation on that side of Europe, in which she deeply regretted the escalation of the situation.

Early this morning Russia carried out a special operation, according to the Kremlin, to protect the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and preserve their security in the face of the threat posed by NATO’s warmongering policy and its projected expansionism towards the east.

In the communiqué, the government of Alberto Fernandez pointed out that fair and lasting solutions can only be achieved through dialogue and mutual commitments that ensure the essential peaceful coexistence.

Cerruti added that this nation maintains its historical position of striving for peace, like all Latin America, which is a land of peace and advocates for the end of conflicts.

She also stated that 83 Argentine residents live in Ukraine and there are 20 more who are in transit, and the Argentine embassy in that country is monitoring the situation of all of them.

The origin of the conflict dates back to February 2014, when a coup allowed the coming to power in Ukraine of a right-wing government, supported by neo-fascist groups, which launched a punitive operation against the uprising population in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, resulting in some 13 thousand deaths.
